Thursday, January 17, 2008

Now I Really Feel Old!

Conversation today between my son, Rock Star (13), and Me:
RS: “Mom, did you have Internet when you were a child?”
Me: “Uh, no.”
RS: (Incredulously) “So what did you do???
Me: “To get information, we had encyclopedias at home. Or we went to the library.”
RS: “But what about My Space or Facebook? How could you talk to your friends?”
Me: “We called them.”
RS: “Oooooh.” (Nods head.) “Cell phones.”
Me: “No! We only had land lines. And no answering machines or call waiting.”
RS: “But what did you do if they weren’t home? How would you reach them??”
Me: “We’d call back.”
RS: (Shakes head.)
Me: (On a roll.) “And we didn’t have DVDs or VCRs. They weren’t invented yet.”
RS: “No way! What did you watch?”
Me: “Network television. No cable. And we didn’t use remotes. We had to turn the channel by a knob. Or we went to the movies. And we didn't have microwaves. We had to reheat our food on the stove top. Which sometimes tasted burnt.”
RS: “No video games, I take it?”
Me: “No. Or PSPs. We went outside to play and rode our bikes. Or did puzzles or board games. Read books. But we got an Atari when I was in middle school, and I thought Pong was really cool.”
RS: “But radio was invented, right?”
Me: “Yes. But no iPods or CDs. I had my own record player.”
RS: “What’s a record?”
Me: “Kind of like a CD. Only much bigger.”
RS: Patronizingly pats me on the back. “Poor Mom. I’m sure glad I didn’t live back then!”


Anonymous said...

Ha, good one! I remember when our family got our first color tv in about 1972 or 1973? Did you tell him about rotary dial phones? Super 8 movies? Reel to reel tapes? Clackers? Jarts? Snake Eggs in Bubble Yum? Actually, I'm not sure about that one, LOL

Mahala said...

LOL! I remember being the last one in our neighborhood to get cable. I felt so left out!

Anonymous said...

;-) My parents finally got cable about 2 months before I went away to college! Was your first VCR a Betamax? Mine was! LOL - that's why I'm not jumping on this Blueray stuff yet, gotta be sure!