Friday, March 7, 2008

Feelin' Groovy

Slow down, you move too fast. You’ve got to make the morning’ last, just kickin’ down the cobblestones, lookin’ for fun and feelin’ groovy!
I am feeling good! No, better than good. I feel FABULOUS! Not completely back to normal, mind you, although I’ve actually never been completely normal as my close friends will testify. But I’m feeling much more Kelly-like. More ME. And that feels darn good. In fact, it feels groovy!

So, I’ve had the lyrics to the old song by Simon and Garfunkel, “ The 59th Street Bridge Song” floating around in my mind all day. Because I’m feelin’ it! The sun is out, the sky is blue, Spring is just around the corner…..or just around a couple of corners…...or just around a whole lotta corners (let’s be realistic, for Pete’s sake, this is Chicago.) But nevertheless, do-it-do-do-do, feelin’ groovy!

We had Music Class in a portable classroom erected on the school parking lot when I was in the lower grades. I loved skipping out there twice a week, climbing the steps up into the mysterious trailer that somehow contained a piano, and a bunch of desks, and the wonderful Mrs. Stone. She was a amazingly interesting teacher, who imparted to us a love for the musical arts. This was the 70s, and Mrs. Stone was a big fan of Elton John. So we learned all the lyrics to all the Elton John songs, thanks to Mrs. Stone. I loved to sing. And I loved nothing more than singing “Jeremiah was a bull frog” at the top of my lungs for Mrs. Stone. Which she appreciated, WAY more than my parents.

And one day Mrs. Stone taught us the lyrics to that Simon and Garfunkel song. And in my little pea brain, I remember wondering what a “groovy” was. I’d never heard that word. What did a “groovy” feel like? Was it furry? I had no idea. But I loved the beat, and sang along happily about “feelin’ groovy” with the rest of the class.

But today I know. I know what a “groovy” feels like! It feels like I’ve told The Flu to hit the road! It feels like I’m reclaiming my life! It feels like I’m serving spaghetti carbonara with white wine for dinner tonight! It feels like Spring is around one corner or several…Who Cares? It’s a-comin’!
I got no deeds to do, no promises to keep. I’m dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep.
Let the morning time drop all its pebbles on me. Life I love you, All is groovy!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely LOVE Simon & Garfunkel and that is of course an all time favorite! So glad to hear you are all back in the land of the living and hopefully full of good food and fine wine by now! Keep 'em coming, Kelly, your writing is just getting better and better - very impressive!

Anonymous said...

I echo that feeling. Though for some reason, I can't get 'take me to funky town' out of my head.