Friday, March 14, 2008

Just Following Doctor's Orders...Sort Of

Well, I finally waved the white flag of surrender, conceded defeat and headed into the doctor yesterday. I had improved from this Wicked Flu Thing for a few days, but was back to feeling icky again. I had a full week of evening meetings which I normally thrive on. But this week I just sort of “dialed” them in, scared my comrades with my hacking cough that mimicked The SARS, and felt over-all achy. When I discovered another fever of 101 yesterday, I headed to the doctor.

I despise going to the doctor and avoid them at all cost. (Ironically, I am a Registered Nurse.) I’m always mortified because my blood pressure goes sky-high as does my pulse, and they get all worried about me. But it’s Because. I. Am Afraid. Plan and simple. Afraid that I will walk in with flu symptoms and leave with a diagnosis of terminal cancer. (Working at Children’s Memorial Hospital on an oncology ward for three years scarred me for life.) Nevertheless, I did go into the doctor, dragging Super Hubs with me every step along the way. Another bonus was that he could be my voice for me. This bug that I have had has taken my real voice captive and transposed it with the voice of Joey’s Agent, Estelle, from “Friends.” It sounds kind of like if Demi Moore had a pack a day habit, only not nearly as sexy. That’s the kind of creepy voice I have at present.

So, bless her heart, the doctor was sweet and compassionate and gave me drugs. Double bless her heart! I am now on an antibiotic for my pre-pneumonia condition, and a steroid for my asthma. And I was ordered to bed rest for three days. (Hah! Clearly the woman did not know who she’s dealing with!) I’ve been taking my drugs and drinking fluids and trying to rest. But then I see that the laundry needs to be done. And I have to make a few phone calls. And Little Squirt needs time and attention and more to do than watch “Star Wars” marathons all day.

And then….there’s Date Night tonight. And what kind of date would I be for Super Hubs if I spent the evening sleeping under my comforter?? So I am going to cheat on this bed-rest thing (just a little) tonight, and join friends for dinner. Because that’s sort of resting, is it not?? I mean, I’ll just be sitting quietly at the restaurant, eating and conversing with my disgusting cigar-chain-smoking voice. It’s not like I’m going to jump up on the bar and sing karaoke and “crank dat!” No. I’m just going to calmly eat my dinner and enjoy the companionship of good friends. And what could be more healing to a People-Person like me? Right?? So I’ll just enjoy dinner and friends and maybe one martini. No, just kidding. That would be bad when I’m sick and on drugs..... Or would it? Doesn’t alcohol kill germs? One martini wouldn’t hurt. It might indeed help! We’ll see.

One of these days I’ll stop writing about my illness. I swear. I realize this is a not a Geriatric Blog (Do they actually blog?), although it could pass for one lately. One of these days I will post about my amazing escapades and brilliant deductions! I’ll inspire you with my wisdom and fabulously exciting life! I’ll do all that when I’m feeling better, and not carrying around cough drops in my purse and tissues up my cardigan sleeve like I’m 92.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kelly - sounds like you need a little medicine for the soul. A good dinner with friends sounds like a great idea to me! God bless and get well soon!