Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Loose Pockets

Spring Break!! Today is actually the first day it felt truly Spring-like, here in the Midwest. The weather has warmed up, the snow is in various stages of melting, and I saw a couple of robins chasing each other around my birch tree. The boys and I are spending the week sleeping in, lazing about, and enjoying time with friends. Nothing overly exciting. I have been thinking a lot about Butterfly, gallivanting around France.

The French teacher chaperoning this trip explicitly urged the students not to buy lots of gifts for others, as the Euro is worth about $1.50. Translation: The American dollar sucksright now, to be quite candid. Everything purchased in France will be expensive. So, on the teacher’s recommendation, we sent Butterfly off to this “all inclusive” trip with $100 in Euros, and a debit card to be used for emergencies. But we noted by internet that Butterfly had made two rather large cash withdrawals in Paris on the first two days of the trip. So we are wondering: What in Sam Hill are the emergencies??
“I need to buy a small chateau on the Riviera.”
“I have to purchase The Mona Lisa.”
“I’ll take the entire Dior Spring Collection, please.”

My daughter, The Shopping Queen, running loose with a debit card in Paris. What in the Wonderful Name of God were we thinking??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


i'm the shopping queen.

ummm...yeahh i'mm your daughter to the max.

so haha.

nurture by nature?

most of my favorite memories w/ you are shopping lol.