We were living in a hotel in Peru with a 4-week old baby whom we were in the process of adopting. The hotel was archaic by U.S. standards, and the portable crib they loaned us was frightening. It collapsed in the middle every time I grazed by it. There was no way I was putting my newborn daughter in it! So we had been putting the baby to sleep in our infant car seat. It was cozy and snuggly, and she was content.
Every night after her bath, I’d dress the baby in her little newborn nightgown, and tuck her into her car seat with the little mint green blanket I’d crocheted. Shortly later, one teeny left foot would stick out of the covers. I’d tuck it back in, only to have it kick out again later. On and on through the night when we’d awake to feed her, Super Hubs and I would find that little left baby foot sticking out of the blanket, no matter how masterfully we’d tucked. It was somehow prophetic of the independent woman she’d become. She had her own ideas right from the beginning!
That little baby girl grew into a beautiful young woman and graduated from High School this weekend. We are so proud of you, Butterfly! You have blessed us over and over again, and we are thrilled that you are ours!
what a blessing! i'll bet she still sticks that foot out of the covers each night. we are praying as the date of "emancipation" approaches. it isn't awful, kelly. it is a blessed journey and each step can be relished!
yes, really.
So glad I got that unexpected five weeks of 'maternity leave' back then...
A precious moment of pride.
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