Monday, March 10, 2008

Help Needed

Butterfly has been looking for a job for about 6 months. I use the term “looking” very loosely, although she firmly believes she has pounded the pavement and been diligent in seeking employment far and wide.

I believe this “job search” really involves Butterfly picking up a carload of friends, and heading to a few “cool” places that she caught wind of a hiring rumor. Such as the LA Tan. She drove with two girlfriends, got a tan, flirted with the hot teen manager, then remembered to fill out a job application as an afterthought. On another day she went to Jamba Juice, sipped a relaxing Razzmatazz (without bananas) while she giggled with her girlfriends over In Touch magazine, filled out an application, text messaged a few boys, then headed home after a couple of hours. Another time she headed to the mall to “find a job.” She came back home four hours later with several shopping bags and one empty application that she hadn’t had time to fill out because it interfered with her purchasing.

The job applications seem to end up in an abyss. A few weeks later, I’ll encourage her to follow up with a phone call to the place of business, and she’ll tell me they are not hiring anymore. So what the heck happened??? It makes Super Hubs, The Man With The Strongest Work Ethic on the Planet, absolutely nuts. He will frequently launch into a tirade about the value of “putting the nose to the grindstone.” He often tells The Teens a long rambling story about working a high school job in a Laundromat during the hot summers with no air conditioning, and how he had to ride his bike the 12 miles to get there, uphill the whole way. And The Teens will roll their eyes and ask for an advance on their allowance, because they need to go out and see movies and eat pizza and buy Abercrombie.

Butterfly is heading to France in two weeks with her French class, a trip she was supposed to help us finance with the supposed job she was supposed to have obtained many moons ago. But “The Perfect Job” never materialized. So she’ll enjoy the Eiffel Tower and croissants and the sights along the Mediterranean on her Daddy’s Dollars. But when she comes home…..then we are going to make her seriously look for a job. I really meant it. No more messing around! Nose to the grindstone! So if you hear of any places that are hiring, can you please put in a good word for her? She’s really a hard worker…..if fortified with jamba juice and the promises of frequent breaks to text message her friends. Please??


Anonymous said...

My wife's parents threatened to cancel her trip to France with a school class if she didn't get a job and they were strict about it. Of course, she said, her best friend was short like $200 for the trip, so my wife's parents advanced the friend the money and she never paid them back! Finally, the friend's boyfriend paid back my wife's parents!

So, maybe Butterfly needs a boyfriend with plenty of money? No, that can't be the right answer.... Hmmm, sorry, I got nothing.

Good luck!

PS - Great blog - I can see Sup now, sharpening his grindstones... ;)

Anonymous said...

And she gets to travel by TGV too. Lucky thing.

Anonymous said...

;-) High speed rail - how cool!

Anonymous said...

ok wow. I totally have a job now...ohh actually i have two REALLY GOOD, HIGHLY DEMANDED jobs. and the TGV wasn't that great...i slept right thru it.