Sunday, May 25, 2008

Hang on!

Got insecurity? Plenty of it!! I’ve never been so unsure of myself as I am during this season of raising teenagers. It’s unchartered waters I am navigating, and I was never given a map. The ups, the downs, the bend in the river that I didn’t see coming. I’m doing this all by instinct, and sometimes my instincts stink. What works with one kid may not work with another. Or it may work on Tuesday, but not on Friday. Who knows? Flexibility has never been one of my strong points. Good Lord, It’s hard! Why can’t they all just stay five forever??

That’s why it’s important to have friends. And margaritas. And friends who will drink margaritas with you, and admit that they don’t know what they are doing either. But they will put on their life vests and jump into their boats, and navigate the White Water Rapids of Parental Angst right alongside you. And there is great comfort in that. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

I'll have a Sam Adams Summer Ale and buy the next round. Hang tough, we're all in the same boat, you're just in the front of the boat.

Anonymous said...

I'll join you, Jim! Thank goodness for the chance to still experience the uncomplicated life of our youngest, Lil Squirt.

Anonymous said...

Oh you poor unsuspecting souls, you are just begining. And don't think the next in line will be different.Not likely. Trust in god for help and just keep moving forward.

Kelly said...

Okay, I will just shoot myself NOW.