Friday, May 30, 2008

Divine Wine

God treated us to a bottle of wine tonight! He really did. Super Hubs and I, on the tails of a gaggle of women heading to see “Sex And The City,” entered the adorable Wine Styles. The gaggle gone, we were the only patrons. The charming owners treated us to some wine tasting and a tour of their delightful shop.

I just love “wine people!” They are cultured and sophisticated, yet warm and hospitable, describing the varietals with terms such as “silky” or “bold.” They educated, we tasted. They showed hospitality, we benefited. And after all their endearing attention, it was only polite to purchase a bottle of our own, was it not? So, finding a random $10 bill on the ground that someone had apparently dropped, Super Hubs declared it the “Almighty Dollar,” and we bought a bottle of white New Age.

Wine on God. To celebrate our Date Night after a week well lived. How cool is that??


Anonymous said...

How cool!

Anonymous said...

Finding money is quite an experience - I am usually losing it ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I think I dropped some money recently, did you see it? It had a one on it and I think a couple zeroes?


Kelly said...

We can buy a lot of wine with that!!