Well, it's been fabulous. We've played, relaxed, wined and dined. I have no complaints, other than the raccoon tan I am sporting due to big sunglasses. I am sad to leave here tomorrow, as I always am. Hilton Head is a second home to me. I've been coming here to vacation almost every summer since I was nine and my grandparents bought a place on the island. Maybe someday my family will move down here permanently (if we can figure out a way to make a living...pet psychic??)or buy a vacation home (if I write a best-seller or something). But for now, I am content to bring my family here most summers.
Tomorrow we begin our 2-day trek back home. With the air conditioning in the van fixed. Wohoo!! Thanks for allowing me to share our trip!
Hope you have a good trip home, thanks for all the blogs!
Miss it already. Glad to be home with you though.
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