I’ve been quiet on Blogosphere over the past few days because I’ve been busy fraternizing. And being a Social Butterfly takes up time. I've been flitting all about looking for the next party, and if I cannot find one, I make my own.
Summer Break does that to me. It brings out my inner extrovert. (Not that it needs much coaxing. Or is even inner, for that matter. My extrovert is pretty much always out there and sayin’, “Let’s partee!”) But (continuing the Butterfly Metaphor) the winter months make me cocoon a bit. I stay home more, read books, and sit by the fire. I cozy up. And when the weather breaks, I am ready to stretch my wings and fly to the nearest BBQ. Or invite the neighbors for cocktails on our back deck. Or flag down strangers at the intersection if I have nobody else to play with. I make The Introverted Super Hubs crazy.
Saturday night we drove up to Wisconsin have dinner with my BFFs and their husbands. Much Merry-Making was had by all. And yesterday, we had some Chicago friends visit; spending a few hours at the beach in town, and then sharing dinner. One of their girls will likely be my future daughter-in-law from the way she and Little Squirt were making eyes on each other. They even watched a movie on the couch, completely entwined. Today, Little Squirt is all, “Can I go visit Maggie at her house??” He doesn’t quite care that it would take a big expressway and the better part of an hour to get there.
Tonight we are entertaining more friends again. So I must go now! I have to make a drink run. And prepare some Sausage Penne. Oooooh I absolutely LOVE having company! The menu-planning, table-setting, the conversations. It's all such fun! So, that being said, don’t be shy! Give me a call and we’ll plan an evening to get together this summer. I still have a few empty dates on our calendar that Super Hubs believes are fine left blank but I don’t concur. They must be filled with friends. Or I'll be forced to flag down strangers. I'm tellin' you....
Sorry, I'm booked solid with training all summer - not "train- ing", but teaching a class. Maybe next Summer?
Great! Next summer is wide open!:)
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