We took Mom back to the Savannah airport today. We are so sad to see her go! It's been a wonderful four days visiting with her. We've shared our favorite beach spots, favorite restaurants, and favorite jelly-bellies. We even did a Girls Night Out with Butterfly, and went to see "Sex and the City." She's only been gone a few hours, and Little Squirt already says he misses her.
It's so unbelievable that we've been here now one week! Leaving on the heels of tornado weather, and then the car trouble we experienced en route, it took Super Hubs and me about two days to not be spazy. And two more days to begin to unwind. And then three days to actually become unwound. Which brings us to today, right in the eye of our complete un-wound-ed-ness. And now we have another whole week to embrace the joy!
And then The Teens needed a bit of an attitude adjustment. They were all, "Blah blah blah bored" and "Blah blah blah miss my friends." And so I was all, "Blah blah blah you're spoiled rotten" and "Blah blah blah take away your cell phones" which miraculously spun them around 180 degrees, and now they are all sweetness and light. They are engaged, helpful and (wonder of all wonders) having fun.
We have enjoyed beautiful weather with just two teensy weensy late afternoon storms thrown in for variety. We've "beached" almost every day, rode bikes on the gorgeous trails, and eaten out at places so fabulous they deserve (and will get) a post of their own. Tonight we ate outside at The Beach Club overlooking the ocean. (I must find a way to move to the ocean....or move the ocean to us. Either way.)
I am trying with all my might and main to live in the moment and relish all the blessings God has for us here, which are many. Very many.
1 comment:
I love the smell of chlorine in the morning....
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