I think it's the pelicans that amuse me the most. They dive bomb from 50 feet in the sky straight into the ocean, catching fish with their beaks or whatever they are doing. Mining for diamonds? Channeling kamikaze pilots?? IDK but they are just the shizz. I giggle every time I watch them. They rank up there with the playful dolphins who frolic just off shore. And I adore the sweet but aggressive turtle family that gorge on crumbs of bread Little Squirt throws into their pond. Who knew reptiles loved to carbo-load?
I could do without the sting rays who have made several appearances, swimming around our legs as they migrate up the coast. And the jelly fish. Don't care for them at all. Or the 'gators. We have three that live in the lagoon outside our back porch. I never quite trust that they will stay in the water, which motivates me to keep our sliding glass door shut at all times...just in case.
Hilton Head wildlife is endlessly fascinating to me.
Just wear a hat, hair problems sol-ved! Good blogs, sounds like a great trip. Watch out for crocagators, they cannot be trusted.
hats are good - especially if one doesn't have any hair...
Shhhh, that's my SECRET you are telling everyone
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