Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Destination Happy

The suitcases are packed and ready to go. A couple of light jackets and backpacks sit by the doorway, travel-ready.

Our animals are mulling about, perhaps discerning that there’s about to be a temporary change in the occupancy of this house:
(The long-haired dachshund): “Oh no! Where are My People going?? Will they take me with them?? Don’t go, My People! Don’t leave me! I miss you already!”
(The cats): “Yahoo! The People are apparently leaving. Go, People. Leave our home fast! It’s been far too long since we’ve had the entire bed to ourselves.”

Tomorrow we have an early-morning flight. Destination: “The Happiest Place on Earth.” We are heading to Disney World! Super Hubs has a conference in Orlando and will be mostly occupied with things of higher education. But the kids and I will frolic our way through the parks, and hopefully enjoy the pools at our hotel, weather-permitting. The forecast calls for high 70s and sunshine. Can you hear me singing, “Halleluia!”??

I will attempt to blog on location, if I am able. (Not to make you jealous. Just to be purely informative.) So good-bye, cold and gray November in Chicago. Hello, Happiest Place on Earth!
“Heigh ho, heigh ho, to Disney World we go……..”


Lizzie said...

I randomly came across your blog...I'm so jealousy you're going to Disneyworld...have fun!

Anonymous said...

Man, sounds like a fun trip! We were at Disney World in Orlando about 5 years ago? We had a great time, but barely had time to get to everything we wanted to see. If you find a long line somewhere, grab a fastpass - it will have a time you can come back and get in a short cut-ahead line. It leaves you time to run to another ride, enjoy it, and come back, turning wait time into ride time!