Super Hubs is available to play with us today! I am thrilled to have my husband join the fun. It’s his first trip to Disney World since the park opened, and I love showing him around. We decide to take on Epcot.
We ride everything in Future World that can be done without a lengthy wait. The favorite of my boys is “Test Track.” I am partial to “Ellen’s Energy Adventure,” simply because I am a big fan of Ms.DeGeneres. And riding back in time is such a kick!
We wander through all the countries in the World Showcase. Super Hubs and I love soaking up the atmosphere. We are famished and decide to eat our way through the park. My sons have a yen for the exotic cuisine of hamburgers and fries, so we make a pit stop in “The American Adventure” for lunch. Super Hubs and I, however, enjoy an orgy of eating. We indulge in Mexico churros, tempura kiku in Japan, bratwurst in Germany, pastry and rich coffee in France. If only we could dine with such cultural variety regularly in our hometown!
We take two monorails to get to The Magic Kingdom, hitting some rides we’d neglected last Thursday. It is Saturday, and the crowds have come! Hoards of people cover every inch of the park. The lines are depressingly long. It is appropriate that Super Hubs is wearing his “Grumpy” t-shirt. I need to wear one, too.
We head back to Epcot for our last ride of this visit,"The Seas with Nemo and Friends," Little Squirt’s favorite. He especially loves watching the live fish swim in the aquarium with the real deep sea divers. They wave to him from the tank. (The divers do the waving. The fish were less affable.)
We eat dinner in the park. My nerves are shot from arguing with Little Squirt in every gift shop, because he wants me to buy him everything. A family sits down right next to us to eat their meal. They have two “special needs” teenagers. One is autistic, and he holds his head and rocks back and forth, crying, “Please! Please!” the entire time, clearly frightened by the crowded dining room. The other teen is in a wheelchair and needs help to eat his food. I am greatly touched by the love and patience I see displayed by the parents. They minister to their teenage sons with such tenderness and grace; calming the extreme anxiety of one, cutting the food of the other. I think about the love they have for their sons, bringing them to Disney World knowing full well all the difficult challenges they would encounter given their circumstances. The difficulties I’ve encountered today in parenting a strong-willed yet healthy 5-year-old pale greatly in comparison. Watching that beautiful family has blessed me. My soul is deeply moved.
We arrive back at the hotel at 8pm, and Rock Star takes one last swim. Tomorrow we have a 3:15am wake up call to make our 6am flight. It’s been a wonderful trip, and we are so very grateful!
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