Monday, February 4, 2008

Hey Sports Fans!

Well, I watched a bit of The Super Ball yesterday, believe it or not. I am not a huge sports fan, and sometimes drive Super Hubs crazy with my ignorance. I don’t know a polo mitt from a field hoop. But I do know how to make a mean chili con carne, which is about the extent of my usefulness come Super Ball Day. So I made chili, then watched a bit of the game. My daughter has a huge crush on Peter Brady, the hot pennyback or something for one of the teams, so she was rooting for the New England Tories. I, however, have a heart of compassion for the underdog; so I was cheering on the New York Ogres.

Then I got bored with the game and annoyed with Super Hubs and his constant “shushing" of me as I wanted to discuss our Valentine’s Day plans. I mean, one can watch the game while listening to my ideas for romantic intent, can they not? It’s just multi-tasking, People! So I went upstairs at around the 4th or 5th inning, to watch a marathon of “The Closer.” That was definitely more my kind of show. I got “updates” on the game whenever I heard the boys yell that someone had scored a homerun. And apparently The Ogres ended up winning!

Sports were never my thing. I was on the Track Team during my first year of high school, because I could run and was actually good at it. But what I didn’t like about running track was that running made me winded. And tired. And sweaty. And my calves got sore. So why bother, when I could just be watching t.v. with nary a leg cramp?

I was not gifted or even competent at any of the ball sports. I could care less and had no competitive spirit. I mean why, really why would I actually want to run to a base on the rare occasion that I hit the ball with a bat?? I just didn’t care enough. I was good at the very odd “sport” like pogo-sticking. And I could balance on a bongo-board until infinity if I wanted to. I just didn’t want to. I was athletically challenged, and that was fine with me. I viewed P.E. as a waste of time and/or social occasion to catch up on the latest gossip.

So The Super Ball is now over for a year, and it’s time for me to try to bond with Super Hubs over another sport. I hear spring-training for La Crosse is beginning soon.


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness Spring training is almost upon us.

Anonymous said...

Why do they call it football when they mostly throw it? I really liked this one a lot, but I'm not a sports guy. I used to play a lot of sports, but the only sports I watch on my own are my kids' games.