I imagined that today I would write about my Girls’ Weekend trip to Iowa to visit our friend, Sandy. I thought I’d share about the 4 hour car ride there with three of my girlfriends, which included much laughter, story-sharing, and an extended lunch at a charming Irish pub in Galena. I pictured blogging about our great time over the weekend and the Mongolian dinner we had. And I definitely intended to share in detail about the lovely couple from Sandy’s church, who put us four strangers up for the night in their beautiful, homey farmhouse and fed us a hearty breakfast. Their incredible spirit of hospitality made us feel so welcomed and cared for.
Instead, I want to write about angels. I believe in them, more so now than ever.
We planned on driving home from Iowa today. But a winter blizzard was predicted to begin at midnight, with freezing rain headed straight on our path back to Chicago. So we made the decision to leave last night after a church service. We figured we’d be on the road before 8pm, and then home by midnight, when the storm was supposed to begin. A praying woman from the church we attended last night grabbed us right before we left for the ride back, and prayed for God’s protection over us. And we were off.
During the last hour of our journey, freezing rain began to pelt our car and the roads. It was about 6 miles from home when we hit a patch of black ice on a two-lane highway and lost control of the steering. The van slid as if on roller skates, sliding toward the guardrail, then hydroplaning perpendicular to the road. Oncoming headlights were in the distance, heading our way as my friend, Chris, frantically gripped the wheel, trying to right the car. The van slid back and forth in a terrifying dance that went on for about 20 seconds. My heart in my throat, I thought of my three children as I prayed “Please, God!” and waited for the moment of impact.
But I believe in angels. Because finally, finding firmer ground, Chris regained control and put us back in the right lane, just as some oncoming cars flew past us. We were safe, which was truly a miracle. Badly shaken, we drove the rest of the way home on roads covered with ice, seeing cars spinning and landing in ditches.
I believe that God sent his angels to watch over our car last night, in response to prayer, to protect and preserve us. And I think of my family, and of the families of my friends in the van, and I am so grateful that we are okay for them.
Thank God indeed, Amen!
So glad you are okay, Kelly!
Absolutely Luke 4:10 is what He did. Thanks so much, Jim!
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