It’s been a hectic week. A crazy-busy week. But a good week. I’ve had meetings every night, mostly with my involvement on a Drama Team. On Monday we performed a drama, on Tuesday night we trained and rehearsed for another drama. And last night, I assisted with (got in the way of) a Video Shoot that was so much fun it shouldn’t have been legal.
I was born a creative child who lived to sing and dance. I frequently organized theatrical productions with my friends; putting on productions for the neighborhood. I painted, drew and loved to create beauty from nothing. I spent hours laboring over poetry and writings on my manual typewriter. But my family of origin either did not recognize or did not value any artistic bent that I had. So I decided, at some point, that I was no good at creating.
When I turned forty, I decided to pursue some of my first loves. Hadn’t I cherished the arts when I was young? I vaguely remembered that. So I auditioned for a Drama Team. And I began to write again. I am now blessed to have opportunities to do acting and writing. And someday, when I have time, I want to try to my hand at some of the visual arts. Perhaps painting. Or photography. I believe there’s an artist inside everyone, because God is the ultimate artist, and we are created in His image. It’s just about figuring out how you can personally make a little piece of your world more beautiful.
Today I am heading to Iowa for a Girls’ Weekend with some of my Drama Team friends, to visit another friend who recently moved there. My Drama Team girlfriends are all very talented artists, and I love the encouragement we give one another. And they’re so darned much fun! I suspect there will be much joviality and merry making. I’ll let you know.
"I believe there’s an artist inside everyone, because God is the ultimate artist, and we are created in His image. It’s just about figuring out how you can personally make a little piece of your world more beautiful."
That's just awesome!
And I agree! So much of what we do really is more fun than humans should be allowed to have and I am absolutley certain God was smiling down on all of you as you work/played hard to get that piece done. Seeing the friut of your labor was blessing upon blessing.
Thanks for giving to the Lord!
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