Friday, April 11, 2008

Life Lessons Continued

Were you waiting with bated breath for today’s nuggets of oracularity?? Here are the next 10, bringing my age up to 30, so far. (Hmmmm. I need to keep going on the wisdoms. I’m a bit north of 30, I’m afraid. We’ll finish them tomorrow.)
21.) Know the Love Languages. Read the book, and then figure out what works for your family and friends. Use that information to speak love into the people you care about on a regular basis. (Words of Affirmation are mine. If anyone wants to say wonderful things about me, I’m always open to that. I mean it. Bring them on.)
22.) Zinc is a magic pill. At the first sign of a cold, suck on zinc lozenges or take zicam every three hours. The virus will be gone in 2 days. I swear. Works every time.
23.) Show hospitality. We entertain frequently. This is a great way to deepen relationships. There’s something bonding about breaking bread in the intimacy of your home. It can be elaborate or simple. But it should always be fun! Throw something in the oven, play relaxing music, light some candles, then enjoy your company. Ask questions. Which leads me to #24.
24.) Improve your listening skills. I am talker. I can prattle on with the best of them, day and night. But I’m learning to become a better listener. A new friend told me recently how much it meant to her that I sat down to listen to her life story for a couple hours. It’s an incredible gift you can give someone.
25.) Don’t waste time sorting laundry. Wash everything together in warm. Forget what your mother told you. It works fine. My clothes always come out clean and fresh. I give you permission. (Unless you are washing new red boxers. Then call Mom.)
26.) We teach others how to treat us. Abuse of any kind is never okay. Every person is a precious child of God, of immense worth in His eyes. There is nothing loving or Christ-like about allowing others to treat you poorly. Jesus was loving, yet strong and sure of His value. He walked away from the Pharisees. I’ve learned this the hard way over the years. No more Mrs. Doormat.
27.) Travel muchly! I’d rather live in a smaller house and have more money to travel. See the world as much as you have the budget for. It is an incredible form of education; opening your eyes to the vastness of creation and the beauty of other cultures and the rich history we share as fellow Homo Sapiens. I’ve traveled extensively, and I’m not a Trump. (My favorite city in all the world is Rome.)
28.) It’s never too late to develop talents. What were your passions as a child? Resurrect them if they’ve been buried! They are the deepest parts of who you are at the core. Don’t be afraid to discover them again. The journey is so precious! I began acting just 4 years ago, and writing, more recently. In the future, I plan to try my hand at painting and photography. The possibilities life offers are endless!
29.) Preparation H is not just for The Nethers. Use it as an eye cream. (The one without hydrocortisone.) It shrinks the blood vessels, thereby decreasing puffiness and fine lines. Just get over the inhibitions and try it. Trust me. It works.
30.) Guard a weekly Date Night. You and your Significant Other deserve nothing less than time to bond and connect. A tight budget or no sitter is not an excuse. Put the kids to bed and eat a fabulous meal alone in the dining room and enjoy one another.
Speaking of which…….It’s Friday night. Date Night time. I must go begin to beautify. The last installment of wisdom will come tomorrow. (If I have anymore wisdoms left in me. My brain is beginning to ache from all the Kellyisms. However did Confucius do it??)
Two shopping days left!


Anonymous said...

I don't have puffy eyes, but I am going to try and put the rest of these into action. Really great great stuff here in these 3 posts. Thanks!

(How about a gold trolley with diamond headlights?)

Kelly said...

Yeah, ok. I'd take that.

Anonymous said...

These are just great to read.