Didn’t you deplore the times when you were a child and your parents, without your blessing or consent, would sign you up for something you didn’t want to do, and then declare it “Good For You”?? Super Hubs and I channeled our parents last night when we announced to Rock Star that he would play his guitar at an “Open Mic” coffee bar. Our friends’ son had been performing there regularly and enjoyed it, and we believe Rock Star would, too. And any opportunity to have Rock Star be exposed to acoustic guitar music of genres that didn’t include his preferred Heavy Metal (whose cords grate on my last baby nerve so much they make me want to shoot myself) is a Very Good Thing.
Rock Star: “I won’t go. I hate playing acoustic!”
Us: “It’ll be good for you.”
Rock Star: “I only like playing Heavy Metal on my electric. I’m not going!”
Us: “It’ll be good for you.”
So he went under deep protest. My usual complacent, laid back teen was a snarling, hissing mass of anger as we drove him over in the car. The venomous dark cloud he was enveloped in was so thick you could’a cut it with a butter knife. But we knew it would be good for him.
And it was! The trendy coffee bar housed a group of several men and teens that sat in a circle with their acoustic guitars, and played music together to entertain the patrons. Super Hubs and I spent our Date Night drinking wine at a corner table (The place even had a liquor license, God bless its hospitable soul!) and wondering if our son would ever speak to us again. But we watched him relax, be encouraged by the other musicians, and (could it be??) veritably enjoy himself. He actually seemed to be glowing with pleasure!
He later admitted what a great time he’d had, and asked if he could go again next week. Huh. What do you know? We were right. I do believe it had been good for him!
It sure is great to be smarter than him for once...
That is great he can realize it was a good time instead of still being mad.
Ah teenagers!
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