IT’S FINALLY SPRING!! We have had an uncomfortable…, difficult…, brutal….no, horrific winter. I do not for a minute believe that Hell is hot. Hell most certainly has an environment much like the winter we’ve just suffered through. Nasty. Savage. Ferociously frigid. Ewwwww.
But now it is Spring! And we had a glorious weekend of sunny weather that climbed nearly to the 70s. And for Midwesterners, who know full well that the next day could bring snow flurries during bi-polar April, we all grabbed that little piece of Paradise while we could and donned our light summer clothes. Shorts abounded all over the neighborhood. Which made me realize, I clearly must make a regular workout part of my daily routine once again. IT IS TIME! No more hiding my flabby muscles behind baggy clothes. (Do I still indeed have muscles after my weeks of sluggishness enforced by the plague?) So I power-walked this morning, and realized how much I’ve missed that. It felt fabulous!
And my hyacinths are nearly in bloom. And no, our garden is not perpendicular to the earth. That would just be crazy. I could not get the above picture to flip and I'm too lazy to really try hard. So use your imagination.
Welcome back, Fair Weather! I’ve missed you terribly!
To all my friends who live in parts of the country that have shared the misery of the past few months- HAPPY SPRING!
P.S. Six more shopping days until my birthday!
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