Monday, June 2, 2008

"Retirement" Day One

MORNING: Slept in. Didn’t get my @$$$ out of bed until 6:12am, which was far later than Little Squirt’s usual 5:52am wakeup call. (He was clearly respectful of my first day of Retirement.) Checked email (spam), and then enjoyed a leisurely cup of coffee with the daily paper. Checked my email again (more spam), and then sent a few text messages to my friends with crucially important questions, such as, “Waz up?” Did a 30-minute power walk and made nice with a new neighbor that I think was frightened by my power walking ensemble and lack of makeup. Took a luxurious shower with some new gel. It was all too exciting! Shaved……never mind. (Too much info.)

AFTERNOON: Checked my email again. (More spam.) Sent a few more texts. Attempted to weed my front-walk garden….lasted for 12 minutes until I was bored with ……the weeds. And the dirt. And freaked by the bugs. (I hate bugs.) Checked my email. (Nothing but Flylady reminders. Good Lord, where are all my friends??) Checked my cell phone- no messages. (Sigh.) Finished a book and began a new book. Accidentally dozed on the couch for 42 minutes which is technically not a nap because I did not intend to nap. Checked my email again. (2 from friends! Wahoo!) Watched Dr.Phil and cringed for the clueless toxic family portrayed. (What do people NOT GET about, “This will be shown on National TV??”)

EVENING: Made ziti with Bolognese. Cast a Drama and made phone calls to Drama Cast. Ate dinner with family. Hung with Butterfly and girlfriend, until Butterfly politely asked me to scram. Received 2 text messages. (Yipee!) Checked email. (More Flylady and spam. Sigh.) Blogged.

You still reading ?? Ho hum. Clearly I must seek employment!


Anonymous said...

Hmm, maybe you could get a part-time job at a toy train store? Or Powell's bookstore? Or, better yet, go volunteer at the kids' school?! That's what my Mom did and we're almost all fairly normal (6 of us)!

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of this sort of life...