When I mentioned on Friday that I was going to attempt to declutter Rock Star’s bedroom while he is at camp, I had no idea of the vastness of the undertaking! Butterfly assisted me for two hours on Friday night, and then Super Hubs worked beside me yesterday for 6 hours. This morning we finished up in another hour and a half, bringing the grand total of "Project R. S.Bedroom Declutter" up to 19 hours. I kid you not. It took 19 hours of (Wo)Man Labor to put his bedroom in appropriate Non Health Department Code Violation Order.
Here are a few stray items we discovered in the cesspool that was his closet:
1.) 14 socks
2.) 5 dirty plates/5 dirty forks with encrusted Lord-knows-what
3.) a garbage bag of used hamster litter
4.) 2 of Butterfly’s long lost DVDs
It was nasty. I’m thinking of running over to the Immediate Care for a tetanus shot tonight.
But after many, many hours this weekend of avoiding the summer sunshine, pulling my hair out in frustration and stabbing myself in the leg with a random broken guitar string, his bedroom is finally sparkling clean and neatly organized. And in a mad rush of adrenaline, we tackled Little Squirt’s bedroom as well, even swapping the boys’ beds, which involved disassembling and then reassembling Rock Star’s bunk bed in Little Squirt’s room. And then we decorated!
Ahhhhh. (Big sigh.) So now when Rock Star comes home from camp tomorrow night, he will be surprised to find his bedroom completely transformed! It is wonderfully organized and newly decorated in Edgy Teen Boy style. It looks like a whole new room. I keep running in there, sitting on his bed and excitedly admiring the fruit of our labor. And then Butterfly was inspired to work on her bedroom. So, for the moment, this brief moment in time, I have three children with completely clean bedrooms. My Good Lord- it’s a dream come true!!
But I have two questions about Rock Star that I keep mulling over nervously:
1.) Will he actually like what we did?
2.) How long will his bedroom stay clean??
Being a young man, he may like what you did. As a husband I would be absolutely furious if I came home and my wife had moved all my things around. Me I want to find something right where I left it.These are husband thoughts. On his behalf I hope he is thrilled with his new room.
I hope your hard work is appreciated, too. Good luck!
All his real stuff is still there - it was the eleven bags of garbage that get to me. Notice all the bolts on the bunkbed and the 400 lbs of lumber. Hilarious to move.
LOL - I feel your pain, SH! That's a big job! My wife cleans out the kids' rooms about 2 to 3 times a year. You wonder sometimes "What in the world was this?" But, I fear that it is often best left unknown.
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