Monday, July 21, 2008

On Becoming a Wuss

I’m getting to be way too tender-hearted in my old age, disconcertingly so. Lately, I get weepy at the drop of a hat. I just don’t understand it because I never used to be like this. I am becoming the kind of Emotional Wimpy Woman that used to irritate the heck out of me when I was in my 20s. Back then, I felt annoyed when I’d see people cry at movies. “Grow up!” I’d think. “You’re not a two-year-old!!” And now I am One Of Them. Having Sob Fests over love stories.

As I was getting my nails done this morning, I watched "The View" at the salon, where they showed a U-Tube video of a reunion between a lion and its former owners. And perhaps I could connect emotionally with it because of the animals I have known and loved (or more likely I have some major psych issues that need addressing). So I found my eyes tearing up. And then I was mortified that I was quietly weepy and my nose was running and I had no way of blowing it because my hands were being worked upon by the male tech………well, I just need to stop this!! Promptly. It’s embarrassing, for Pity's sake..... crying over a lion??……But it was such a sweet and tender moment between man and animal…..a love that has no boundaries……(Sniff.) There I go again.


Anonymous said...

My problem is I never trust these web-based or YouTube-based heart-warming moments because they're so easily faked. I'd rather be able to respond to them as you so easily do.

Kelly said...

It was on The View so I assume it was checked out on Snopes or wherever. It made my daughter cry, too.