Thursday, July 31, 2008

On The Open Road

Apparently my youngest offspring, Little Squirt, has (what he believes is) a covert runaway plan scheduled for early tomorrow morning. He has sought the assistance of his drivers-age older sister. He told her they would leave at 12:15 a.m. and head to his friend, Nicky’s house where he would live for the remainder of his days.
My crime: I would not let him play in the basement with Rock Star and his girlfriend.
My defense: I was respecting Rock Star’s right to entertain without his little brother being a blatant nuisance.

My very character has been called into question, and I am accused of being “mean and unkind” and “not matching the family" because of my "yellow hair.” (Ouch!)

I saw him pack a grocery bag filled with essential items necessary for a quality life from here on out:
-His favorite stuffed friends: Tonfini, Buttermilk and Peter Parker
-3 pairs of underwear
-A Batman suit
-A wallet of pennies
-A few odd jelly-bellies

Even after an ice cream sandwich this evening, Little Squirt has not changed his tune. He still truly believes his sister will drive him to his friend’s house at the midnight hour, where he will live out his childhood not being related to me. As if.


Anonymous said...

Can super hubs have his room for more trains?

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww - I loved this story! I'll bet the whole thing is forgotten tomorrow anyway. Thanks for sharing and for your keen eye for humor and prose.

Anonymous said...

I think a small layout would fit perfectly in the room. I found lots of clothing, toys and other things that didn't make the packing list at bedtime last night. All's forgotten this morning as he's enjoying his kid shows on PBS... ;)

Anonymous said...

Ah, the sun is shining and all is well

Butterfly said...

I WAS NOT about to wake up and drive him to his friend's house. NO WAY. I love sleep.