Sunday, February 10, 2008

Take "Five"

Things are looking up.
1.) I have reconciled with my friend, so my heart is lighter and the ##*# Heavy Brick has been shown the door with a good swift kick on it’s bottom. It spent way too much time with me last week, and I’m hoping it doesn’t return for a visit any time soon.
2.) We had dinner last night with old friends that make me laugh so hard my Endorphins competed with my Raging Hormones for first place occupation, and I have declared the Endorphins the winners.
3.) I’m working on a drama, to be performed tomorrow night. And anytime I get to pretend I’m someone else for an evening is a very good thing. (Just for an evening. Then I’ll want to be ME again.)

Speaking of the drama, I was rehearsing my lines and blocking today at home, with Super Hubs’ help. And Little Squirt was sitting in a chair, observing. Which is a difficult thing for him to do, because he’s such “action guy.” He always knows my lines better than I do, with that five-year-old brain of his that absorbs everything like a sponge. So he watched me rehearse, but whenever I’d say a line a little different than how it was written in the script, he’d yell, “Cut! No, Mom, you say it like this!” And by gosh he was right. Everytime. He drives me harder than my Director! But it’s nice to know that, should I come down with the flu tomorrow night, I can dress him up in high heels and a blond wig, and I’ve got myself a cute little Understudy.


Anonymous said...

That's great - my kids are the same as little Squirt. They remember every little thing and actually come up with excuses for why I forgot something for me! Good luck with the skit!

Anonymous said...

He certainly knows the lines better than me --and I was reading them. ;)